This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Rene Johnson, Jared Brick, and Mike Bosworth.
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#621: Rene Johnson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Lead from your power zone and not from your comfort zone. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Rene Johnson (, an elite authority in personal power dynamics, author, coach, keynote speaker, and CEO of Power Zone Coaching. She holds an ICF Certified Empowerment Coach degree from Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC).

Rene is passionate in partnering with purpose-driven business leaders, turning leadership into their greatest profit center, while having more joy in life. She is an instructor who can inspire audiences with energy, insight, and expertise to become positive and power-filled change agents.

If you’re a small to mid-sized company and you have “power leaks,” consider reaching out to Rene Johnson by visiting her websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small and mid-size leaders but are “power leaks” should reach out to Rene Johnson.
My role is to turn your leadership into your greatest profit center and the vehicle to live your best life. #LeadershipWhy @pzcoach
I can work with you in identifying and converting “power leaks” which are wasted time and resources that are wasting your and your team’s strengths and talents. #LeadershipWhy @pzcoach
I can teach you how to activate the “magic” in your power zone, where against the odds, you can accept your true calling to reveal your greatness. #LeadershipWhy
I can mentor you in uncovering the “why” behind your leadership approach to increase your influence and business results to make a significant difference in people’s lives. #LeadershipWhy @pzcoach

To view the video interview click here.

#622: Jared Brick and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

How to create a strategy to solve digital confusion. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jared Brick (, he is the Media Producer, Director and Founder of Brick House Media. He is also a Media Marketing Strategist, Video Director and Content Creator. He helps Thought Leaders who have digital confusion.

Jared Brick’s vision is to become a professional photographer, and share new perspectives of this dynamic evolving world. He founded Brick House Images in 2000, to fulfill his creative passion. He’s always possessed an attraction to visual media, with talents in social marketing, skills in digital education, business strategy and a lifetime of expertise in photography and video. Jared offers an opportunity to leverage these expertise areas for emerging thought leaders and break through bold clients.

If you’re a thought leader or small business owner and you do have #DigitalConfusion, you should consider reaching out to Jared Brick by visiting his website at or through

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Thought leaders with #DigitalConfusion should reach out to Jared Brick by visiting his website at or through
If you think about the word social media, it’s two words. Social media. Most people think it’s about media, but it’s really about social #DigitalConfusion. Where do you start, who do you use and what is appropriate? @JaredBrick
An expert is someone with expertise. A leader is someone with a following. #DigitalConfusion @ JaredBrick
When we work with clients, we first start with a holistic overview of where are you at today. What channels are you active on? How’s your website? What’s your email marketing strategy and your social strategy? #DigitalConfusion @JaredBrick
We always attribute the source and then we offer an insight to our community. Why are we sharing this with you? Why do we feel like this is so valuable for you to understand and implement it today? #DigitalConfusion @JaredBrick

To view the video interview click here.

#623: Mike Bosworth and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Enabling couples to think about the choices that they make that impact their relationship and the impediments these choices create for their partner and their relationship. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mike Bosworth ( who is a thought leader speaker, sales philosopher, entrepreneur, and author.

Mike does occasional keynotes as well as talks for professional associations, non-profit organizations, and higher education. He will be serving on the Advisory Board for the University of Minnesota Duluth’s new Selling Major.

If you’ve given up on relational happiness or you know somebody in your circle who has, you’re gonna want to reach out to Mike Bosworth at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

I’m enabling or coaching couples that have given up on relational happiness to find their way back to each other especially during these hard times.
I used to do solution selling. We talked about people who have what we call late in pain or people have the pain that we think we’d like to be able to help them with.
I help couples who have given up on relational happiness, who are ignorant that there’s a better way, that there is a potential solution or that it’s even possible they’ve.
I help people experientially where each member of the couple work independently on experts on reading and exercises to have a meaningful discussion to get to the next level.

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #621-623: Johnson, Brick, Bosworth w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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