This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Tim Gaynor, Byrd Baggett, Mark Villareal, and Traci Porterfield.
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The post #594-597: Gaynor, Baggett, Villareal, Porterfield w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#594: Tim Gaynor and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Partnering with individuals teams business owners and executives who are looking to invest and find traction in their personal and professional lives This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Tim Gaynor who certified John Maxwell coach trainer and speaker.

His passion is to help you live a life that matters, a life that you were uniquely made to live. His goal is to help you find traction in that area of your life that has you stuck, spinning, and preventing you from moving forward. Tim has spent 25 years at a Fortune 500 company leading, coaching and developing individuals and teams.

If you’re reading this and you want to be able to live your life story, you should reach out to Tim Gaynor at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

I coach team business owners and executive and individuals that are looking to live their dream
I do some business training leadership communication with large small medium sized businesses
I’ve been fortunate and blessed to have some experiences in life that has truly helped me appreciate just being alive being alive, every day, and that credibility helps me help you help others.
I lead development workshops, (half or full-day) lunch and learns, seminars, and masterminds – all designed to aid you, your team or business in personal and professional growth.
I spent the last 20 years at a Fortune 500 company leading, coaching, developing individuals and teams before starting my own personal and professional development business.

To view the video interview click here.

#595: Byrd Baggett and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Improve leadership effectiveness and bottom-line profitability with authenticity. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Byrd Baggett (, Certified Speaking Professional (highest earned designation presented by the National Speakers Association), best-selling author, co-founder and senior vice president of True Growth Leadership, and partner-member of LWM III Consulting. His corporate experience includes sales and management careers with two (2) Fortune 500 companies.

Byrd has been helping organizations develop authentic leaders and passionately engaged teams since 1990. He has written fifteen (15) books on the topic of sales, customer service, leadership, and motivation. Byrd’s passion and purpose is helping people live lives of peace, prosperity, and significance, and inspiring hope in others.

To learn more about authentic leadership and how to have your people demonstrate the same authenticity, consider reaching out to Byrd Baggett and visit his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Organizations lacking leadership authenticity should reach out to Byrd Baggett.
#Authenticity is a big component of trust. If leaders are not authentic, they can’t be trusted. If you can’t have trust, you have zero credibility. [email protected]
My role is to help you embrace the transformational power of authenticity to improve yourself and the lives you touch. #Authenticity [email protected]
I can help you discover your core purpose, core values and leadership behaviors to be truly #authentic and experience true growth in your personal and professional life.
With my guidance, I can teach you skills essential to developing relationships that stand the tests of time and change to help you reconnect with your team to explore the roots of organizational disengagement. #Authenticity [email protected]

To view the video interview click here.

#596: Mark Villareal and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Developing a sustainable leadership in an organization to have long-term successful results. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mark Villareal (, he is the President of Mark Villareal, a Mr. V. Consulting Services Company. He is also a Speaker, Business Coach, International Best Selling Author, Consultant and Trainer.

Mark’s mission is to elevate leadership of one person, one team and one organization at a time. He’s been an expert guest on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and over 70 radio and podcast shows. His goal is to make an impact daily through public speaking, coaching, consulting and training. He believes that great leaders pay it forward. With a 35-year career in the business world, and with 21-years at the C-Level, he assisted in building businesses, mentoring leaders, aspiring leaders and making a difference in people’s lives both personally and professionally.

If you’re struggling as an organization to build a #Sustainable leadership team, you should reach out to Mark Villareal by visiting his website at or in LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Organization struggling with developing #Sustainable leadership teams should reach out to Mark Villareal by visiting his website at @Markvillareal
#Sustainability is how to develop it in the teams because it lays the foundation for them to have long term successful results. @Markvillareal
The #Sustainability of a leadership team means such a significantly different approach on how you manage, how you run an organization and how you make stuff happen. @Markvillareal
It’s important that as a leader that you develop the leaders around you. #Sustainability @Markvillareal
I’m a passionate servant leader so I believe that great leaders pay it forward. #Sustainability @Markvillareal

To view the video interview click here.

#597: Traci Porterfield and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieving human happiness by seeking your true love. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Traci Porterfield (, she is the CEO/Founder of Love by Design and Recruit by Design. She is also a matchmaker, dating and relationship coach, entrepreneur, and eternal optimist dedicated to helping you find the love of your life.

She believes that the biggest decision you will make in your life is who you choose to spend it with. As a matchmaker and dating and relationship coach, her passion and her life purpose is to help others achieve success and fulfillment on their dating journey.

If you’re looking for #Love in your life or the love of those people who work for your company and actually love working for your firm, you should reach out to Traci Porterfield by visiting her website at or through

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who seek human #Happiness should reach out to Traci Porterfield by visiting her website at @TLPorterfield
I have some amazing skills. I’ve been able to transfer over to people that ultimately wants #Happiness. @TLPorterfield
Are you happy with your love life? Or are you happy with your current position? #Happiness @TLPorterfield
If you’re not happy, you need to fix it. #Happiness @TLPorterfield
Do you want to find #Love or do you want to find a job you love? @TLPorterfield

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #594-597: Gaynor, Baggett, Villareal, Porterfield w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.