This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Dr. John Oda, Dwaine Canova, and Dr. Jane Goldner Ph.D.
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#581: Dr. John Oda and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Understanding the struggles of companies’ profitability. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. John Oda (, he is a Peak Performance Expert, an Executive Business Coach, and a #1 Sales Trainer.

Dr. John Oda, has 33 years of experience working in the mental health field providing clinical psychology and 23 years as a business growth expert providing solutions to help companies grow. Dr. John Oda is a Master Trainer NLP.

If you recognize that there’s something in your business that’s missing or lacking in the area of profitability, you should reach out to Dr. John Oda by visiting his website at or through his LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies who struggle on #Profitability should reach out to Dr. John Oda by visiting his website at
That’s profitability. I show companies turn processes to grow any business. #Profitability @JohnOda
People don’t ask for referrals and that’s the most simplest thing. It’s not systemized and if that is systemized, you don’t do it. #Profitability @JohnOda
I actually helped as companies grow and 1500 percent in three years. I worked with another company that actually doubled their net profit in eight months from 60 to 120%. #Profitability @JohnOda
My goal is I’m going to touch as many people as possible. I do whatever it takes to make that happen. #Profitability @JohnOda

To view the video interview click here.

#582: Dwaine Canova and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Accelerate and sustain business growth by streamlining your leadership and management. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dwaine Canova (, CEO, Zynity and Framework for Leading Institute.

Dwaine is passionate about helping organizations form an elite team. His company assists executive leadership teams become and perform at elite levels. With the availability of online tools, he continually guides companies to evolve their capabilities and capacities for everyone in the team. His company’s online platform and tools make it easier for growing and aggressive organizations to develop a clearly defined leading and managing framework, an operating culture that enables accelerated and sustained growth and positive work culture.

If you have an extensive team that is just good, you’re going to want to reach out to Dwaine Canova by going to his profile at or visiting his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Executive teams that are just good should reach out to Dwaine Canova.
What we found is there’s a gap if you get into a company and you want to find about systems. You’ll find they have an accounting, sales and operating system. But what they don’t have is an executive leadership system.
We help organizations put their executive leadership system in place. Our solution includes a framework, a set of SAS online tools and coaches who can help them participate correctly in the process of building their elite executive team.
It all started with the technology. As a young person in the military, I was an instructor at West Point US Military Academy, and their academic computer center right top programming and designing programs.
I went on to Wharton and get my MBA. I was teaching there and did the same thing. I taught programming and how to design programs. And so it was the technology piece that really made the difference.

To view the video interview click here.

#584: Dr. Jane Goldner Ph.D. and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode


Helping women manage their time, focus on their passion, their productivity and their performance. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Jane Goldner Ph.D. (, who is the President of The Goldner Group.  She is a professional speaker, author of “You can have YOUR all”, leadership and role integration coach.

Jane Goldner brings 40 years of internal and external corporate experience as well as advanced degrees in counseling, human resource development to coach and counsel high-potential and women leaders. A focus of her practice is to help women integrate their multiple roles and define leadership success for themselves.

If you’re a #Woman leader who is juggling and there’s a little bit too much that you’re juggling and you want a little bit of help, you should reach out to Dr. Jane Goldner Ph.D. by visiting her website at @TheGoldnerGroup

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

#Women Leaders who are juggling should reach out to Dr. Jane Goldner Ph.D by visiting her website at @TheGoldnerGroup
Most of these #Women are very overwhelmed juggling all their multiple roles and they try to be everything, to everybody because, by nature, women are nurturers and we typically don’t understand that no is a complete sentence. @TheGoldnerGroup
We take on a lot more than we can handle and we end up not being able to stand in our power because we’re so overwhelmed. #Women @TheGoldnerGroup
I deliver my real life experience, plus a proven process that helps #Women really understand how not to be everything to everybody. @TheGoldnerGroup
I have credibility on what I do because I lived it both professionally and personally. #Women @TheGoldnerGroup

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #581-584: Dr. Oda, Canova, Dr. Goldner w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.