This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Tom Beal, Carl Pritchard, RJ Nicolosi, and Mali Phonpadith.
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The post #574-577: Beal, Pritchard, Nicolosi, Phonpadith w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#574: Tom Beal and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Attain success by learning to thrive through adversity. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Tom Beal (, an advisor and coach. He is a crisis strategist who helps unfulfilled successful individuals get back on their feet. He ignites their burning desire to work and be triumphant whilst keeping what gives them joy and fulfillment.

Tom Beal is a National Bicycle Champion, the #1 Honor Graduate in Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island, recipient of 3 meritorious promotions in 4 years whilst in the Marine Corps, and #1 in 5 sales organizations. He is the publisher of The North Carolina Home Book, and President of Kelly-Media, Inc. (a Jim Kelly – NFL HOF QB company), along with Mike Filsaime from 2006 to 2011, raking in over $20 million in revenue, and the President of Strategic Profits for Rich Schefren for 2.5 years, from 2011 to 2013.

If you are a highly successful miserable individual, it is best to reach out to Tom Beal via his website at or through his profile at

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Highly successful miserable individuals should reach out to Tom Beal. #Success @TomBeal
I went on to become a National Bicycle Champion, number one Honor Man in the United States Marine Corps Boot Camp, and number one in five separate sales organizations! #Success @TomBeal
I have a knack of hearing these highly successful people’s problems and having conversations with them. #Success @TomBeal
One of the resources that I give massive value is through an app, whether it’s iOS or Android, you can go get my app. And in it, it has a value in excess of over $5,000. But it’s free! It’s a membership app. #Success @TomBeal
You are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer. The world is your oyster! #Success @TomBeal

To view the video interview click here.

#575: Carl Pritchard and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increasing project and risk management success through fun and memorable training. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Carl Pritchard (, who is the fun guy of project and risk management training and the principal and founder of Pritchard Management Associates.

Carl was labeled best of the best by The Project Management Institute. He is the author of seven texts in project management, co-producer of a 9-CD audio set, pioneer and visionary in risk management and e-learning. Carl is recognized as a dynamic, entertaining, and fun keynote presenter, speaker, and trainer. He is passionate about bringing fun to project and risk management training.

If you are looking for fun and memorable project and risk management training, you should reach out to Carl Pritchard by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who are tired of boring and unmemorable project and risk management training should reach out to Carl Pritchard. #FunProjectManagement @CarlPritchard
Many people are looking for lively and memorable project and risk management training. I can help take the pain out of boring training and help you create #FunProjectManagement programs your people will remember! @CarlPritchard
People have the opportunity to unlock so many different ways to do things in project management. I can help you take advantage of these opportunities so your project and risk management training comes to life! #FunProjectManagement @CarlPritchard
Powerful, dynamic, and fun training increases engagement and retention. I can infuse energy into your project and risk management training to maximize the impact on your people. #FunProjectManagement @CarlPritchard
I have worked with thousands of people on hundreds of projects. This gives me the perceived credibility to create fun and memorable project and risk management training. #FunProjectManagement @CarlPritchard

To view the video interview click here.

#576: RJ Nicolosi and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Drive growth through business model innovation, technology and people. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert RJ Nicolosi (, an entrepreneur, CEO and CEO coach. He works with companies to drive growth through business model innovation, technology and people.

RJ Nicolosi is the chairman and founder of Catapult Leadership Lab and the chief digital officer of RevLocal. He helps companies to achieve sustainable double-digit growth.

If you are a CEO of a high-growth company, and you recognize that all the answers are not found within the confines of your company, it is best to reach out to RJ Nicolosi on or via

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

High-growth leaders who need answers should reach out to RJ Nicolosi. #DriveGrowth @NicolosiRJ
We have a process wherein it’s not just random advice that is given out of my playbook that I’ve been using for 30 years, but it’s constantly evolving, constantly pulling in. #DriveGrowth @NicolosiRJ
We’re learning from the clients we work with and from the other coaches to give the best advice. It’s through a scientifically based process. Hence, you’re getting the best of what we’ve got, when you need it most! #DriveGrowth @NicolosiRJ
I’ve worked with over 100 Inc. 5000 companies over the past decade. And I would say over 50% of those are Inc. 5000. Over 50% of them are Inc. 500. And through that, I’ve obtained some great fun experiences! #DriveGrowth @NicolosiRJ
We felt we’re all about value. We’re all about making sure that we have high-touch, customized, personalized value for each leader we work with, based on where they are in their journey and where their company is. #DriveGrowth @NicolosiRJ

To view the video interview click here.

#577: Mali Phonpadith and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Accomplish your mission and create a greater impact by developing your people through talent optimization. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mali Phonpadith (, CEO, Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker, Facilitator-Executive, Certified Talent Optimization Consultant.

As the Founder and CEO of the SOAR Community Network or SCN, Mali has been passionate about coaching and helping business leaders position themselves for funding, growth and expansion. Her track record includes being nominated for several awards including Heroines of Washington D.C. Award by the March of Dimes, and twice for the Women of the Year Award by New – Network Executive Women.

If you’re running an organization or a small team, or if you’re a part of a company with employees who don’t care, figure out how to fix that by reaching out to Mali Phonpadith by visiting her profile at or going to her website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business leaders with employees who do not care should reach out to Mali Phonpadith.
What we do is help leaders understand behavioral science. There were assessments through a toolset that we have to understand how each individual is wired naturally to perform in the context of work and teams.
We spent a lot of time helping educate people. It’s not personal. They do care. They’re just not in the right places when they have no idea where their personal purpose aligns with the mission of the organization.
I have been invited to be a TEDx speaker. I have worked inside organizations at the leadership level, and also on the front line. And I’ve been a business owner for more than 16.
I have been a business owner for more than 16 years mapping hundreds of business leaders, setting their strategic objectives, optimizing their talent and helping them to accomplish their mission and social impact.

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #574-577: Beal, Pritchard, Nicolosi, Phonpadith w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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