This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Joseph Ruiz, Anna Mandell, Howard Fox, and Lisa Mininni.
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#486: Joseph Ruiz and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Creativity through connections with people. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Joseph Ruiz ( The owner and president of Strategic Marketing Solutions. He is also an instructor at Virginia Commonwealth University, a certified LEGO Serious Play Facilitator and speaker.

Joseph helps business owners and professionals solve problems. He shows businesses how to understand their ideal client and attract more of them. He also helps you to structure your marketing efforts in a way your entire employee base can utilize so that you will not worry about running the day to day.

If you recognize that your people are not being as creative as they should be, consider reaching out to Joseph Ruiz by visiting his LinkedIn profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Leaders who recognize that there are people in their team who lacks #Creativity should reach out to Joseph Ruiz. @SMSJOE
Leaders usually have one of three different issues. It doesn’t have one answer. It’s complex, ambiguous, struggling with innovation or they need a new business model. #creativity @SMSJOE
My experience in terms of really dealing with a lot of different wicked problems across a lot of different industries gives me credibility to help leaders with their #Creativity. @SMSJOE
Putting together the different #Connections, talking to people, understanding, probing and accessing is a lot of fun. @SMSJOE
Most people don’t even know what problem they’re solving. They actually define their problem as a solution, not the real problem. #Creativity @SMSJOE

To view the video interview click here.

#487: Anna Mandell and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Maximize your profit through leveraging your mental resilience. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Anna Mandell (, a mental resilience and passive income generation coach who supports C-suite level executives, business owners, managers, and $6 figure earners to gain leverage and efficiency  in dealing with disempowering circumstances as well as boosting the performance, streamlining and diversifying their passive income portfolios whilst freeing up their time.

Anna Mandell helps individuals, executives and companies who fall into a debt or unfortunate circumstance. She has the ability to inspire people to be proactive and empowered regardless of the situations that they are facing.

If you need financial advice, you can reach out to Anna E. Mandell through

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

I help individuals and enterprises in dealing with disempowering circumstances as well as increasing the performance and diversifying their passive income portfolios while freeing up their time. #MentalResilience
Keep a continuous stream of income cascading without having a need to work. Want to know the secrets? Let us talk! #PassiveIncome
Do you want to travel and just spend your time on the things that you love? Enjoy the perks of life without having to compromise your budget. #PassiveIncome
Did you know that how we handle our finances is deeply rooted to our mindset? Tweaking and reconfiguring our mindset propels us to financial independence and success. #MentalResilience
Turn adversities into opportunities. #GetRich

To view the video interview click here.

#488: Howard Fox and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieving your personal and professional dreams. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Howard Fox ( He is a career development coach, LinkedIn Expert, podcast host and producer. He also helps clients pursue their mission and passion.

He delivers one-on-one career development services and facilitates classes, including Strategic Career Management, Personal Branding, Resumes, Networking, Interviewing, and LinkedIn. He helps business owners solve these struggles. His clients care about individual and team development, creating a GREAT company culture, and building a strong customer base that leads to increased performance & profits.

If you recognize that there are dreams that you and your org have not yet achieved, consider reaching out to Howard Fox through his LinkedIn profile or his website

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Individuals with personal and professional #Dreams who are struggling day to day to achieve them should reach out to Howard Fox. @FoxCoachingInc
In the industrial age, we were told to get a job, work, retire and you could achieve your goals. We are now at a different age. It’s important to have a life. It’s important to be able to live. #Dreams @FoxCoachingInc
This age is the perfect opportunity for individuals to achieve their #Dreams. You just really need time to talk about what you wanna do and what you are passionate about? @FoxCoachingInc
When people said they have a #Dream but don’t go after it. If that dream is worth it, make it happen, today. @FoxCoachingInc
People have #Dreams. They don’t go after it. There are a lot of reasons why, including mindset and fear. Don’t let fear stop you from chasing your dreams. @FoxCoachingInc

To view the video interview click here.

#489: Lisa Mininni and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Accelerate your sales through referrals and building relationships. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lisa Mininni (, a best-selling author, business coach, and motivation speaker.

Lisa Mininni inspires businesses and firms to accelerate revenue streams through generating leads. She astoundingly boosts profitability to over 90% jump in sales in just a limited span of time.

If your firm needs exponential growth, then, you should consider reaching out to Lisa Mininni through and

Here are several of AHA messages from this episode:

If you are putting so much effort into your business but not seeing the amount of #profitability, then you should reach out to Lisa Mininni to help you overcome this quandary.
We take a system’s approach to #profitability. This very holistic approach not only reveals how they are biologically wired but how to execute them to bring about a monetized and scalable resilient business. @LisaMininni
I hold a master’s degree. I am a master’s certified #businesscoach. Learn from the expert! Connect with me via
We have been doing this for 20 years. There is a reason we have lasted this long. #trust #integrity #lucrativebusiness @LisaMininni
We get to see businesses flourish with an increase in sales in 90 days, a 90% increase in sales and a 76% increase in #revenue in just 12 months. Our results speak for themselves. @LisaMininni

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #486-489: Ruiz, Mandell, Fox, Mininni w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.