This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts David Polinchock, Patrick Reilly, James Hotaling, and Jeffrey Hayzlett.
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#462: David Polinchock and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase your profit by utilizing emerging technology, shopper insights, and retail industry experts. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert David Polinchock (, Co-Founder of a New Space for Future of Retail, VR/AR & OOH, Pioneer in Using VR for Advertising, and Co-Founder of Unified Brand Experience Lab.

David is passionate about looking for innovative ways to create compelling, authentic and relevant brand experiences. He is an early pioneer of Experiential Advertising and the use of VR in advertising and marketing. His track record includes creating the first advertising programs that use VR, and helping generate $10 million + in revenue for AT&T AdWorks by designing and running an innovative and engaging media lab experience.

If you’re in a number of different areas in the retail side merchandising stores, and you want to make sure that you don’t disappear tomorrow, you may want to reach out to David Polinchock

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Retailers who don’t want to lose their relevance should reach out to David Polinchock.
We’re about helping companies sort through the tools, methodologies, and technologies to create relevant experiences for them.
I cut my teeth right out of college being a theme park employee at Walt Disney World. The environment taught me experience because Disney is nothing but experience, learning that guests will pay a lot of money happily for something unique.
Our broad focus is places that are not online. So we don’t do a lot within the the digital space but CPJ, food and beverage, fashion, consumer electronics, and places that are selling technologies in a physical environment.
I spent most of the 90s travelling around the world with VR equipment that needed a van and three big guys. Watching how people interact with technology was compelling. It opened me up to a whole world that I was unaware of until I got it.

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#463: Patrick Reilly and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase productivity, commitment and engagement in the workplace through change leadership consulting. His mission is to make the leaders he works with more potent and impactful. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Patrick Reilly (, President of Resources in Action, Inc.,

Patrick is passionate about developing executive presence and influence skills in leaders wanting to excel. He provides executive coaching for leaders who are stuck either because they don’t tackle the tough issues or who present with an abrasive work style. As the president of Resources in Action, he has worked extensively with leaders in the technology, health care, and construction sectors for more than 25 years internationally and in the US. He gets leaders into action for both success and satisfaction.

If you have somebody on your staff, or a workmate, who is an uncoachable leader and you know they need something, reach out to Patrick Reilly by going to his website at or visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Uncoachable leaders should reach out to Patrick Reilly
It started off back on 2008 when there was a blast, big financial downturn and I needed to find a new angle or approach to connect with people. I got introduced to a person who coaches abrasive leaders.
Abrasive leaders get important work done. They are often the killer app developer, attorney or surgeon. However, they run over people in getting their work done and this can cause people to get upset and leave or just diminish their productivity.
How I started in originally working with abrasive leaders morphed into sort of a bigger thing now where the focus has moved into helping people who are stuck. It could be a woman who’s on the board and just doesn’t know how to play nice with others or a finance leader who is so shy that he does not share his expertise that others need.
I often work with talented people who are so timid, they can’t speak up. They’re stuck. I help them bring their genius forward in a way works for them.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#464: James Hotaling and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Transform your business with human centric leadership and optimize the best results. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert James Hotaling (, C-suite Executive, Podcast Host of the Iron Sharpens Iron Movement, President and Global Head of Leadership Development of N2Growth.

James is passionate about leadership development, culture transformation, strategic planning, organizational engagement, human capital performance and crisis management. As an international keynote speaker, his goal is to develop world-class executives by teaching the human centric approach in leading.

If you recognize the importance of being human, being able to see inside the people you lead, you might want to reach out to James Hotalnig by visiting his profile at or going to his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Executives who want authenticity in leadership should reach out to James Hotaling.
To be an authentic leader, you’ve got to connect with people. And my focus is to connect the leadership mindset to authenticity and vulnerability.
It’s all about human centric leadership. Until you understand that, you’ll never reach that high performing leadership that you really could be because it is about humans at the end of the day.
There’s a saying called “iron sharpens iron” and what that really means is about people making others better.
Others should share what makes them authentic in the realm of human centric leading to make others better.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#465: Jeffrey Hayzlett and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Drive results and growth with business transformation, leadership, innovation, and change management. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jeffrey Hayzlett (, Chairman and CEO of The C-Suite Network, Hero Club Member and Owner, Primetime TV & Podcast Host, Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Global Business Celebrity.

Jeffrey Hayzlett is passionate about sharing his executive insight and commentary on television networks like Bloomberg, MSNBC, C-Suite TV, and Fox Business. As the Chairman of the C-Suite Network, he has become instrumental in creating a home for the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders. A compelling figure in business today, he continues to share his credibility as a speaker, host, and best-selling author.

If you’re looking for trusted partners, resources, customers, or if you want to be a trusted vendor yourself, you might want to reach out to Jeffrey Hayzlett by going to his website at or visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Trusted partners, vendors, and customers who want to establish credibility should reach out to Jeffrey Hayzlett.
We’re about being a trusted network – a platform that allows partners to trust each other in a valuable relationship which is critical.
In today’s world where everything’s coming at you too fast, it’s hard to know what’s real. We need credibility.
It’s important to have a vetted trusted community so that when you walk in, you know that you’re talking to real kinds of people. That just relaxes everyone and gives you an opportunity.
I bought and sold over 250 businesses over 25 billion in transaction, used to manage a business where my marketing budget alone was 17 billion with tens of thousands of employees at my disposal.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #462-465: Polinchock, Reilly, Hotaling, Hayzlett w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.