This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Todd Wilms, Shel Horowitz, Basile Lemba, and Joseph Siecinski.
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#454: Todd Wilms and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Grow your business by getting traction in the marketplace. This episode features #Expert and #ThoughtLeader Todd Wilms (, Fractional CMO, Author of Beyond Product, Angel Investor, and Founder of the

Todd Wilms is passionate about helping challenger brands lead. As a CMO-turned entrepreneur, he created the Founders Place as champion of dreamers, trailblazers, and visionaries. He has guided numerous world-class brands to become better as he has taken leadership roles at companies like PeopleSoft, PayPal/eBay, SAP, Neustar, and Verisign. That’s how he began working with founders, entrepreneurs, and startups and the rest is history.

If you’re looking at your company and realizing that you’re not getting the traction you need, you’re going to want to reach out to Todd Williams by visiting his website at and going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

CEOs not getting traction in the marketplace should reach out to Todd Wilms.
Most founders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders think that if they build a better mousetrap, the world will be the path to their door. It’s an old cliche, but it’s still current.
If you just develop something because of pride and passion, it’s not going to find its way in the marketplace. It needs something to breathe life into it whether through marketing or operations.
What your idea needs can be a whole host of things and a bunch of levers to pull in twist that you don’t know you need until you finally see that you’re just not getting traction in the marketplace that you were hoping for.
My credibility comes from 20 years of enterprise experience in marketing that aims to help some of the biggest brands on the planet, and then work with entrepreneurs, founders, advisors, VCs, incubators.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#455: Shel Horowitz and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Thrive and maximize your business profit with transformpreneurship. This episode features #Expert and #ThoughtLeader Shel Horowitz (, Transformpreneur at Going Beyond Sustainability, award-winning author, consultant, speaker, and Founder of Business for a Better World.

Shel is passionate about showing business owners how to be more profitable by being green and ethical. He leads organizations to go green affordably and effectively, and teaches them to market the green commitment that wins new customers, turns customers into fans, and makes fans your brand ambassador. As an international speaker, transformational business consultant, a multiple-award-winning author of ten books, he focuses on profit motive as a powerful tool for turning hunger into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance.

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to make money while helping the world, you should reach out to Shel Horowitz by going to his website at or visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Entrepreneurs who want to make more money while making the world better should reach out to Shel Horowitz.
I help people identify or create then market profitable products that address hunger, poverty, war, climate change, pandemics. Be a transformpreneur!
My credibility comes from the hundreds of books I have written, ten of which have either won awards or ended up translated and published in other countries. Some have endorsements from Jack Canfield.
I am actually the member number six of Help A Reporter, HARO, which has 200,000 members, and I joined on the first day. I send out press releases, and I’ve been doing social media as it existed back in 1995.
I do a lot of networking, individual conversations. I’ll go to a business meeting then come back with a few busness cards, set up a time for coffee with those people, anywhere. I can publish articles, books, I’m not shy.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#456: Basile Lemba and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase your revenue by turning networking into profit. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Basile Lemba (, an international leading authority in networking, the host of the Networking Guru, The Ultimate Nova Business Expo, and the Executive Producer and Networking Guru of BL Ultimate Networking Events.

Basile is passionate about teaching the know-how of networking. As a personable speaker and networking guru, he created BL Networking Breakfast Club and EXPOs which have been established for 16 years. His goal is to coach people how to turn networking into profits and bring people together to do business.

If you want to correct your networking practices and take more advantage of them, you may want to reach out to Basile Lemba by visiting his website at or going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who are frustrated with networking should reach out to Basile Lemba.
We teach people how to network by giving classes, consulting, and coaching so that they could improve networking.
I built a database of over 8000 business people. We send a weekly newsletter to them. I have articles on Facebook and LinkedIn where I pick new valuable materials from different people on the subject of networking and share them as one.
The work I did over the last 16 years is to put together the know how so we can teach anybody how to network as easily as they drive a car.
We have been running a networking event month day for about 16 years with about 40 to 50 business people. Half of the room is first timer each and every time. Meaning whenever you come, you always get to meet people.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#457: Joseph Siecinski and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Run your business without you being in it by creating a commercial, profitable enterprise. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Joe Siecinski (, the Owner and Founder of Action Coach of Santa Clara. He is also a certified business and executive coach, NLP practitioner, bestselling author, and speaker.

Joe is a business and executive coaching expert who helps business owners. He brings decades of experience, proven systems, tools, processes, and other resources to guide his clients to get more of what they wanted when they started their business. Joe has a tenacity to help his clients run their businesses without them in it by creating a commercial, profitable business.

If you’re beholden to your business and you’re not having fun and you need something else but don’t know the way to do it, you should consider reaching out to Joe Siecinski by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business owners who are struggling to run their businesses without them should reach out to Joe Siecinski. #CommercialProfitableEnterprise @ActionCoach_SC
There are so many business owners out there that struggle. It’s because they’ve got a job, not a business. Are you going through the same thing? #CommercialProfitableEnterprise @ActionCoach_SC
Building a business is like building a house. I can help you create a #CommercialProfitableEnterprise that works without you. @ActionCOACH_SC
In building a house, you start with the foundation, but you’ve got all these building blocks. I can walk you through all of those building blocks to have a #CommercialProfitableEnterprise that works without you. @ActionCOACH_SC
Being a certified business and executive coach and having helped over 2000 clients gives me the credibility to help business owners run their businesses without them. #CommercialProfitableEnterprise @ActionCOACH_SC

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #454-457: Wilms, Horowitz, Lemba, Siecinski w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.