This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Jennifer Hough, Bryan Mattimore, Richard Krawczyk, and Marianne Roux.
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#434: Jennifer Hough and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Know and get on to what is calling you by finding clarity and letting go of the blocks. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jennifer Hough (, President and facilitator at The Wide Awakening. She is also an author and speaker.

Jennifer conducts coaching for individuals and businesses. She has helped hundreds of thousands of people find clarity for them to figure out what’s calling them and how to get on to that using leading-edge technology. In the process, she has also helped them address those blocks, making that calling more attainable for them.

If you figured out that there’s an awakening for you and you’re just kinda stuck, blocked, afraid, or concerned, you should consider reaching out to Jennifer Hough on her websites at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Individuals who feel like there’s more to life, like an urgent call, but feel that they don’t know how to get there should reach out to Jennnifer Hough. #Clarity
Do you feel that there’s something calling you but don’t know what it is? We’ve developed proprietary systems that take people through processes and allow them to get #Clarity on what it is that’s calling them.
Do you know how to get on to your calling? I can help you get on to what is calling you by helping you see the systems that need to be implemented in order for you to get there. #Clarity
What we do is we make it so clear what skillsets are needed in order for that calling to be attainable while making the blocks in your path uninteresting anymore. #Clarity
Are there so many things that are blocking you from that calling? Our technology allows you to let go of hundreds of blocks in hours rather than one at a time. #Clarity

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#435: Bryan Mattimore and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Generating breakthrough ideas through ideation, creation, and innovation to get successful marketable propositions and increase your sales. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Bryan Mattimore (, Co-Founder and Chief Idea Guy at Growth Engine Company. He is also an author and keynote speaker.

Bryan conducts ideations sessions and facilitation for companies and their teams. He helps them generate breakthrough ideas for them to get marketable propositions and strategies that have a high chance of success in the marketplace. His methodologies are proven to be effective in dealing with the challenges, problems, pain points, and even the opportunities that companies face. He is dedicated to partnering with companies to provide a continuous stream of innovative products, services, and ideas for top-line growth and profitability.

If you need help on basically, ideation, creation, and innovation of who you are and what you do, you should consider reaching out to Bryan Mattimore by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that are struggling to ideate, create and innovate should turn to look at the work being done by Bryan Mattimore. #BreakthroughIdeas @BryanMattimore1
Is your company doing a terrible job of generating ideas? Do you know the effective way to do it? You should know the proper way to effectively generate ideas for your company. #BreakthroughIdeas @BryanMattimore1
Preparation is key to generating ideas. You have to use stimuli to trigger ideas. How do you generate #BreakthroughIdeas for your company? @BryanMattimore1
Do you need help in generating #BreakthroughIdeas? I am an expert in getting teams to ideate breakthrough ideas that can be used as effective strategies for your company. @BryanMattimore1
I design and facilitate ideation sessions. Refining your ideas will help you get marketable propositions that have a high chance of success in the marketplace. #BreakthroughIdeas @BryanMattimore1

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#436: Richard Krawczyk and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Giving back and making an impact on the community and your family to increase your visibility and revenue. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Richard Krawczyk (, CEO of Blueprint Digital Media. He is also an author, public speaker, and social media and blockchain influencer.

Richard is a digital marketing executive who offers a unique perspective on how to increase a company’s visibility and revenue. He encourages his clients that giving back to the community and their families is significant in making a great impact on everyone as well as themselves.

If you realize that it’s just not about the money but also #GivingBack, you should consider reaching out to Richard Krawczyk by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Entrepreneurs that have a strong desire to make more of an #Impact on their family and their community should reach out to Richard Krawczyk. #GivingBack @TheMrBlueprint
Do you want to increase your visibility? I can help you with that and make sure that you get raving fans, and in turn, increase your revenue. #Impact #GivingBack @TheMrBlueprint
Do you want to make an #Impact? You should learn to give back to the community and your family to be able to make more of a difference in your own life. #GivingBack @TheMrBlueprint
Do you need an expert who can help you make an #Impact in your community and family? I provide one-on-one coaching and also lead a team that can assist you in achieving your goals. #GivingBack @TheMrBlueprint
The easiest thing to get credibility is to do something for free which is something that not all people want to do. You should try not to hold on to what you have and learn to give. #Impact #GivingBack @TheMrBlueprint

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#437: Marianne Roux and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Dealing with the complexity and velocity of change and thriving in it using evidence-based work. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Marianne Roux (, the Consulting Director and Professor of Practice at Roux Consulting. Marianne is a new world of work strategist specialising in adaptive leadership, HR, and transformation.

Marianne helps organizations and leaders deal with the complexity and velocity of ongoing transformation and disruption. She educates and equips them with strategies and tools built from evidence-based work so they can come up with solutions that work effectively for them to create sustainable outcomes.

If you’re running an organization and you’re struggling with the complexity and velocity of change, you should consider reaching out to Marianne Roux by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Organizations and leaders who are struggling with the complexity and velocity of #Disruption and #OngoingTransformation should reach out to Marianne Roux.
Are you overwhelmed by complexity and speed for change and #Disruption? I can help co-create and educate you with interventions and solutions that will help you #Adapt and #Thrive.
I help orgs, HR and leaders build their capabilities so they can transform their organization, the way they lead, and how human resources can create exceptional experiences for people. #OngoingTransformation.
I bring a unique combination of global consulting, executive, and academic experience to create unique, context-relevant solutions that work.
I believe that it’s crucial to use evidence-based practice work and collaborate with global experts to get multiple perspectives on issues solving complex adaptive problems. #OngoingTransformation.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #434-437: Hough, Mattimore, Krawczyk, Roux w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.