This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Karin Hurt, Rohit Talwar, Mike Skrypnek, and Don Williams.
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#422: Karin Hurt and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Getting breakthrough results through practical leadership development. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Karin Hurt  (, the founder of Let’s Grow Leaders. She is an award-winning author and an Inc. Top 100 Leadership Speaker.

Karin has over two decades of experience in customer service, sales, and human resources. Her keynotes inspire leaders with proven and practical leadership techniques developed over her rich career as an executive, speaker, and strategic advisor. Through inspiring and practical leadership development programs, Karin helps leaders achieve breakthrough results without losing their soul.

If you are a manager who wants to get breakthrough results without being a jerk and losing your soul, reach out to Karin Hurt by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Managers who want to get breakthrough results without being a jerk should reach out to Karin Hurt. #LeadershipDevelopment @LetsGrowLeaders
Managers who had bad mentoring because they followed what their boss did are not alone. A good rule of thumb is to be the leader you want your boss to be. That’s the best training you can have. #LeadershipDevelopment @LetsGrowLeaders
Every employee wants to be heard but may be holding back. They need a safe environment where their manager allows them to speak up and contribute to the team. An engaged team gets results faster. #LeadershipDevelopment @LetsGrowLeaders
Managers need to engage their teams without driving their people to burnout. We can map out a practical action plan to create an environment that makes your team want to succeed. #LeadershipDevelopment @LetsGrowLeaders
My background is in #LeadershipDevelopment and organizational comms. I once led a 10K-person contact center org in a period of rapid growth. This gives me the credibility to help managers get breakthrough results.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#423: Rohit Talwar and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Shape a better future for your business in innovative ways through research-based insights and foresight. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Rohit Talwar (, a global futurist, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and CEO of Fast Future. He is an expert in helping clients understand and shape the emerging future.

Rohit Talwar is passionate about creating a very human future by putting people at the center of the agenda. As a professional speaker and consultant, he has guided many companies on keytrends and development ideas that could shape their future in sectors ranging from construction and engineering tohospitality and finance. He is the co-author of seven books on the emerging future and how to navigate it. His latest book “Aftershocks and Opportunities – Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future” – published on June 1st brings together 25 future thinkers from around the world to help us explore what life and business might be like after the crisis.

If you’re a CEO or a part of a management team running a division or group and you want to make sure that you are around not only today but also tomorrow, reach out to Rohit Talwar by visiting his website,, or going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business leaders who want to ensure that their organization is still around tomorrow and the day after should reach out to Rohit Talwar and learn how it’s done.
We use a combination of deep research, expert interviews, workshops, and survey work to pull together insights around what might happen in the future. We pull those together into practical ideas and advice and deliver them to clients.
We provide practical ideas and advice through speeches, executive education, research projects, and consulting to help organizations think through the scenarios that could emerge in our world in the near future.
Organizations should be preparing now for what the future might hold. Is your company ready for the various changes that may happen within one to five years? Are you flexible enough to respond when that time comes?
We’ve done over 30,000 hours of research over the last several years. We’ve conducted a deep level of expert interviewing across sectors. This is how we draw insights to create passionate views about the future.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#424: Mike Skrypnek and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Earn money, find more time, and make an impact by building a mountain of credibility. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mike Skrypnek (, the founder and CEO of Grow Get Give Coaching and Thought Council Member and Advisor at The C-Suite Network. He is also a business coach, international speaker, and five time author.

Mike helps mid-career business owners who are struggling to get freedom from their work. He gives business coaching, training, and motivating presentations to his clients to help them figure out how to find more time so they can grow their wealth and make a great impact. He helps them live their passion easily by teaching them the value of building a mountain of credibility so they can attract their market and potential customers.

If you’re a mid-career business owner and are struggling with finding #MoreTime or money or making an #Impact, reach out to Mike Skrypnek by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Mid-career business owners who are struggling to serve should reach out to Mike Skrypnek. #Impact #MoreTime @MSkrypnek
There are many business owners who have an #Impact mindset but are struggling to make more money and have #MoreTime. Are you facing the same challenges? I can help you figure out a way to balance these so you can live your passion. @MSkrypnek
You can live your passion 7 days a week and make more money. I can help you do that by teaching you how to build a mountain of credibility so your market and ideal customers will work with you and be attracted to you. #Impact @MSkrypnek
Are you running out of time to achieve the success you desire? I can help you figure out a way to get #MoreTime not only for your business but also your family. #Impact @MSkrypnek
Starting with an impossibly big idea and moving quickly to a point of success gives me the credibility to help mid-career business owners achieve the same thing so they can live their passion and have time freedom. #Impact @MSkrypnek

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#425: Don Williams and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase sales and drive revenue through Leadership Transformation. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Don Williams (, a sales and CX & Culture coach for entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 leadership coach, keynote speaker, and facilitator. He helps clients get measurable and real results. He assesses current systems and procedures and recommends improvements on implementations.

Don Williams is passionate about guiding businesses and companies to dramatically increase their sales, drive revenue dollars, and deliver a WOW Customer Experience that may result in retention, spending, and customer lifetime value. His expertise lies in assembling a culture of performance and satisfaction that sets companies in a different league.

If you’re sitting in a company and your sales are not going as fast as you would like, despite having good products and services, reach out to Don Williams by going to his website at and visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

CEOs with $25-million companies who are frustrated that their sales are not doubling as quick as they like should reach out to Don Williams.
I’m a strategic coach. I help assess, plan, train, and coach to where we get higher conversion.
I’ve worked with over 300 of the Fortune 500 on marketing, sales, strategy, and execution. Today, I take what I learned during those years and share it with my clients because the principles are the same.
Learning from other people’s experience (OPE) is the secret to reducing the money and pain in your business and achieving your desired results. Have you been learning from the best practices of others? You should be!
Getting real and measurable results for your company means assessing your current systems and procedures and then implementing improvements. You should get help from a sales leader with years of experience to make this possible!

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #422-425: Hurt, Talwar, Skrypnek, Williams w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.