This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Jason Kanigan, Danny Hadas, Dolores Hirschmann, and Carolina Billings.
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#402: Jason Kanigan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase profitability and ROI by getting funded and using services and products made in space. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Jason Kanigan (, founder of Cold Star Technologies. He is passionate about the growth of space business. He envisions making space “boring” so that investors and the public would view space manufacturing and space jobs as normal and expected rather than exciting and scary.

Jason is a process specialist for small satellite (smallsat) manufacturers. He is committed to helping companies overcome the unexpected challenges of scaling businesses and issues in manufacturing in academic or commercial environments. He is also instrumental in doubling revenues and increasing the conversion rates by over 100 percent of his clients with sales training, referral systems, prospecting activities, SEO content writing and operations management projects.

If you are interested in the space field and you’ve got an idea but you still need to get funded, consider reaching out to Jason Kanigan by going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that are new to the space field and are still not funded should reach out to Jason Kanigan to more fully understand that industry.
Agencies opening up as a commercial field should understand businesses, processes and systems. They need help to get a structure into place and installed. Find an expert who can guide you in the process!
I had to get to know people in the space industry in order to have the credibility to do what I do. I interact with people in the industry and they educate me about their area of space.
Fixing processes with the help of specialists allows smallsat manufacturers to prevent disasters and mission failures from happening. Have you worked with the right people? You should!
Smallsat manufacturing companies may encounter unexpected challenges and issues in both academic or commercial environments. There is so much to learn and there are experts who can help you!

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#403: Danny Hadas and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Drive profitability by creating a winning employee experience. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Danny Hadas (, who is a bestselling author, employee experience innovator and advisor to the world’s most iconic brands. His work has impacted millions of people across more than 500 companies worldwide including Disney, BMW and AT&T.

Danny is the founder of The Emovation Project. He shares the innovative power of intentionally crafting experiences in the context of emotions. Danny leads master classes all around the country empowering people to innovate with emotions and transform their workplace culture. He teaches how to create a winning employee experience.

If profitability is a challenge in your business and you recognize that people are the key to unlocking your profits, you should consider reaching out to Danny Hadas by visiting his website and going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Businesses that are trying to be #Profitable and are not being successful should reach out to Danny Hadas. @DannyHadas
In any business, the only thing that drives profits is its people. Sometimes this is forgotten. I can help you to understand how the total performance of your employees determines #Profitability. @DannyHadas
Businesses may recognize that people create their bottom line. They just don’t know how to bring about an experience that enables people to deliver their best performance. #Profitability @DannyHadas
The experience employees have in the workplace and how they feel about their colleagues, managers, customers and the work itself is directly connected to their performance. That experience is the key to #Profitability. @DannyHadas
I’ve worked with the world’s most recognized brands since 2008. Before I turned 30, I led a 13 million dollar transformation project successfully. That gives me the perceived credibility to help your people drive #Profitability.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#404: Dolores Hirschmann and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Clarify your message so that you can attract potential clients. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Dolores Hirschmann (, who is the founder and Chief Clarity Officer at Masters in Clarity. She is also a communications and business strategist, TEDx organizer, speaker and author.

Dolores works with service entrepreneurs who are struggling to articulate their messages and to communicate in a clear and succinct manner. She helps her clients clarify their messages in order to attract potential clients and help to address their needs or problems.

If you’re a service provider and you can’t fully articulate what you do or you’re struggling to #ClarifyYourMessage, you should consider reaching out to Dolores Hirschmann by visiting her website at or

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Service entrepreneurs who consistently struggle with their messages should reach out to Dolores Hirschmann. #ClarifyYourMessage @DglarH
As your potential client, the truth is all I care about and whether you can solve my problem – not how you do it. That’s all I want to know and that’s what most people can’t do. #ClarifyYourMessage @DglarH
We, as human beings, walk around with antennas. Those antennas are tuned to the problems we need to solve. What problems can you solve that will match those antennas? #ClarifyYourMessage @DglarH
You need to communicate what you bring to the table in the language of those antennas and how they’re tuned so that you can get a match and be able to help someone. #ClarifyYourMessage @DglarH
Believing in ideas that can impact the world and wanting to support ideapreneurs, I became a TEDx organizer helping speakers who are struggling with communicating in a way that it is succinct, clear and sticky. @DglarH

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#405: Carolina Billings and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Gain financial and emotional independence with timely empowerment strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Carolina Billings, who is the founder of Powerful Women Today.

Carolina helps women with business and personal branding, strategic change and wealth creation to promote growth and to accelerate the achievement of goals.

If you or somebody you know need to be more powerful in terms of how you unleash yourself to the world, then it’s absolutely worthwhile and makes sense to talk to Carolina Billings at

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Women with the inability to self-promote should see the work being done by Carolina Billings at #EmpoweringWomen
It’s not just inability. Sometimes, it’s reluctance. Women have the goods. It’s just knowing and feeling comfortable about how to convey their value propositions to their audiences. #EmpoweringWomen
Men have an innate ability to say, “Sure, I’ll do it,” and then they figure out how to do it later while women must feel 100 percent competent or qualified to do something before they put their best foot forward. #EmpoweringWomen
I coach executives and business owners and tell them that if they are not comfortable saying, “I am an expert” on their social media profiles, what are they doing? You have to believe you are the best. #EmpoweringWomen
Powerful Women Today is a global mandate that reaches out to women all over the world. We normally have a positive impact on about a million women a year. #EmpoweringWomen

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit us at

The post #402-405: Kanigan, Hadas, Hirschmann, Billings w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.