This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Mike Wagner, Terry Monaghan, Whitney Vosburgh, and Natalie Grogan .
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The post #370, 371, 372, 373: Mike Wagner, Terry Monaghan, Whitney Vosburgh, Natalie Grogan w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#370: Mike Wagner and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Win the talent war through a proven people leadership system. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mike Wagner (, the president of White Rabbit Group. He is a skilled communicator, facilitator, and business consultant and serves business teams to create a strong leadership culture.

Mike has been speaking professionally for over 30 years. He started his career as a pastor and church planter before entering the business world. He now serves leadership teams in the creation of competitive advantage and growth strategies. Mike’s mission is to release the wisdom and capacity of each organization he serves.

Orgs that are trying to win the #TalentWar and are not being successful should reach out to Mike Wagner by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Orgs that realize that they are losing the #TalentWar should reach out to Mike Wagner. @bigwags
Orgs often face a huge problem: They have a number of talented people but are struggling to retain them. #TalentWar @bigwags
Winning the #TalentWar means engaging people so they stay and contribute. The way to fix this is by connecting leaders and followers. I help orgs connect direct reports with their managers and supervisors. @bigwags
Conventional training does not work. A different strategy is crucial to winning the #TalentWar. I help orgs deploy a winning strategy: installing a people leadership system for all employees. @bigwags
I worked with hundreds of senior leaders for over 10 years, which represents thousands of employees. This gives me the credibility to help orgs win the #TalentWar.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#371: Terry Monaghan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Get more done in less time through proven time strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Terry Monaghan (, owner of Organizing For Your Life LLC, dba Time Triage. She is a time strategist and performance and productivity expert.

Over the past 25 years, Terry has worked with hundreds of executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs, from Fortune 50 companies to successful solopreneurs. She helps her clients break out of the cycle of busy, overwhelmed, and exhausted to produce extraordinary results.

Executive women who are busy, exhausted, and overwhelmed and need to find balance in their lives should reach out to Terry Monaghan by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Executive women who are busy, exhausted, and overwhelmed should reach out to Terry Monaghan. #TimeStrategy @TimeTriage
Many executive women feel that their workload is an endless routine. I can help you have more fun and find more #Time for things that matter to you.
People are multi-dimensional. You can’t just focus on one area. I will work with you one on one to help clarify the priority in each area of your life. #TimeStrategy
Having 20 years of experience with hundreds of women and producing out-of-the-box unpredictable, unprecedented results in their businesses and lives give me the credibility to help executive women prioritize their #Time.
Executive women can benefit from breaking out of the cycle of busy, overwhelmed, and exhausted. My methodology can increase your productivity while decreasing your hours and allowing a balanced experience of life. #TimeStrategy @TimeTriage

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#372: Whitney Vosburgh and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Change for the better with purposeful self-discovery to affect your community of stakeholders and the world. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Whitney Vosburgh (, the co-founder of Work The Future! Today + Brand New Purpose—a consultant, author, speaker, TV host, workshop leader, and Fortune 20 Chief Marketing Officer. He brings a holistic point of view to crystalize brand, community, and marketing strategy to optimize key windows of opportunity, such as pivots, rpositionings and global launches.

Whitney creates clarity and reveals essence by removing unnecessary details and obstacles. He is passionate about elevating people, organizations, and communities to a brand-new sense of purpose, possibility, and plenty. He inspires and leads short-term innovation and long-term transformation to nurture people’s gifts and passions to make a lasting difference in the world.

If you’re a leader who has lost their way and purpose — whether you show it in public or not —reach out to Whitney Vosburgh by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

NEW WORLD, NEW PLAN: Leaders and organizations who have lost their way should reach out to Whitney Vosburgh.
SHIFTING CHANGE: CEOs who had clear purpose before can lose their way after massive changes in the world. I can help redirect your focus after losing sight of where you came from and guide you where you could and should go. #NorthStar @brandguru
THE POWER OF WHY: My role is to counsel you on having a #NorthStar to which you can always navigate to find your way, based on your unique purpose, values, and relevance to the marketplace for stories, goods and services. @brandguru
STAKEHOLDERS: Community building is now more important than ever. Social media is a good example. I can teach you how to move from your head to your heart to your hands to share and fulfill your purpose. #NorthStar @brandguru
LEADING LEADERS: Over $20 billion worth of value creation as a marketing executive and consultant and having authored books about the Future of Work give me the credibility to replicate results specific to your calling. #NorthStar

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit


#373: Natalie Grogan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Address people problems within organizations through scientifically validated analytical tools. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Natalie Grogan (, the founder and CEO of The Outstanding Company.

Natalie uses analytics tools that are heavily validated by science to better address the people problems within organizations. She also facilitates workshops and training for leaders to help them understand those tools so they can use them on their own.

If your employee size is between 50 and 1,000 and you have #PeopleProblems, which is probable in many cases, reach out to Natalie Grogan by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Organizations between 50 and 1,000 employees that are having #PeopleProblems should reach out to Natalie Grogan. @Nomadalie
How do you solve #PeopleProblems in your organization? One of the ways I solve them is by using a software called the predictive index partner, which is heavily validated in science. @Nomadalie
I provide workshops and training to leaders and managers to help them learn how to use analytics tools to solve the #PeopleProblems in their organization. @Nomadalie
Aside from providing the analytics tools, training, and workshops, I step in when leaders call for help to solve the #PeopleProblems in their organization. @Nomadalie
Having worked in every company size and gained many experiences hiring people, I have the credibility to help organizations in addressing their #PeopleProblems. @Nomadalie

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #370, 371, 372, 373: Mike Wagner, Terry Monaghan, Whitney Vosburgh, Natalie Grogan w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.