This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Alex Melen, Luke Acree and Clay Staires.
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#338: Alex Melen and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Gain remarkable results for your company through innovative digital campaigns and advertising. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Alex Melen (, a co-founder at SmartSites, award-winning entrepreneur, and keynote speaker. He is passionate about assisting businesses in managing their online marketing campaigns as a consultant.

Alex is known for starting one of the first free web hosting companies: T35, founded in 1997. It was the first of its kind in the mid-90s, when earning a strong digital presence was expensive and complicated. Currently, he is the co-founder of SmartSites, an award-winning advertising agency started in 2011 that is committed to helping clients with design, development, e-commerce, PPC, and SEO.

If you know that you do good in the physical world but kind of suck online, reach out to Alex Melen by going to his website at or visiting his profile at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small businesses that are fantastic in the real world but suck online should reach out to Alex Melen.
Some entrepreneurs are just really good at what they do, it’s where they excel, but online success is a whole different playbook. It can take away what they’re doing day-to-day to smoothly run their business.
My job is to help businesses be as successful as they can be online by taking away all their burdens and taking over all their digital activities.
We’re a full-service digital agency that covers the entire gamut. We do website design development, SEO pay-per-click & newsletters — anything digital. In many cases, people come to us with no website at all. That’s where we help.
It’s 2020, but surprisingly, there are still many businesses out there that have just gotten by with yellow pages or word of mouth, which is great, but at a certain point, they’ll need an online presence for a wider reach.

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#339: Luke Acree and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Generate more leads and revenue with customizable marketing tools. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Luke Acree (, president at ReminderMedia, relationship marketer, and publisher of American Lifestyle magazine.

Luke is passionate about helping business professionals understand how to connect with their client database in a way that generates leads, secures repeat clients, and captures referrals. Known as a sales fanatic, marketing evangelist, and an expert team builder, he has partnered and worked with tens of thousands of companies.

If you’re a business professional or owner and find yourself leaving money on the table either with existing clients or due to underwhelming marketing not being as effective as you need it to be, reach out to Luke Acree by going to his website at and visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business owners who are tired of losing deals, repeat business, or even more importantly, referrals because they did not follow up should reach out to Luke Acree.
Many tend to fail because they don’t know they should do something. That’s when we step in as a company. We provide high-quality touchpoints that can send you to your clients so you can start a conversation with them.
Most business owners are good at promoting their business, but they’re bad at connecting on a relationship level because they don’t look at their clients as their family members. How are you treating your clients?
Why not send stuff to your clients? That’s why we came up with our flagship product: a magazine. When your customers receive a magazine, they bring it in and set it on the countertop; when they receive a listing card, they just toss it.
Setting up a constant visual reminder attracts potential clients. Real estate agents, financial advisors, insurance agents, and other business professionals should consider having beautiful, professionally crafted content!

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#340: Clay Staires and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Grow your business while having time freedom through a proven transition path. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Clay Staires (, CEO of The Leadership Initiative. He is also a nationally-recognized business coach and motivational speaker.

Clay conducts business coaching for business owners. He provides his clients with a step-by-step proven path, helping them transition and grow their business while enjoying financial and time freedom. He creates foundational solutions to support overwhelmed business owners and chaotic business environments before it crushes them.

If you realize that the business is running you, instead of the other way around, consider reaching out to Clay Staires to help you navigate through the #Transition by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business owners who feel trapped in their company, like there’s no way out, should look at the work being done by Clay Staires. #Transition #ChangeManagement @ClayStaires
Business owners reach out to me every day because they relate to things like not knowing when the phone’s going to ring with the next lead. #Transition #ChangeManagement @ClayStaires
Business owners reach out to me because they can’t find good employees or they feel like they’re stuck with employees who just don’t do good work. #Transition #ChangeManagement @ClayStaires
Business owners reach out to me because they feel like they have to do everything and be everywhere all the time. #Transition #ChangeManagement @ClayStaires
Business owners reach out to me because they’re doing a ton of work and spending long hours on the job, but they’re not making the money that they want to make and don’t have the freedom to live the life they want. #Transition #ChangeManagement @ClayStaires

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #338, 339, 340: Alex Melen, Luke Acree, Clay Staires w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.