Can you remember the last time that you didn’t do something, not because you didn’t want to, but because you were afraid?

When was the last time that happened? Yesterday, a week ago, a month ago? It could be related to anything, from asking for a raise to applying for a new job, everyday, we let fear hold us back.

It rules our lives, when, we should be ruling it.

Failure though, failure is inevitable, and you cannot allow it to stop you from trying new things. You don’t fail when you don’t succeed, you fail when you give up.

"As I said, I wish I could say it was easy. It wasn't, but it wasn't hard either. But without a strong reason or purpose, anything in life is hard."― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

The best and simplest way to overcome your fears is to lean into them. If you want to defeat fear, whenever it rears its ugly head, lean into it, don’t run away. In the beginning, this will be difficult, but the more you do it, the more you’ll realize how your fears are misplaced.

There will be obstacles and struggles, when you lean into fear, you are often doing one of the bravest things you could do, it won’t be easy. Because it’s challenging, many people give up, they let fear and failure, coupled together, destroy their dreams and ambitions. Don’t be that person, when an obstacle comes up, you figure it out.

If you had a baby and they were learning to walk, but they kept falling over after taking a few steps, would you give up on that baby? Would you say “Give up little one, you clearly can’t walk?” Or would you encourage that baby?

So often, we find that our first few steps are wobbly, and we GIVE UP!

Why would you let a couple of failures cause you to give up? Of course, you’re going to be wobbly, like a baby learning to walk, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Pick yourself back up, those obstacles, that’s you wobbling, but you get stronger as you keep pushing forward.

How do you become a successful person?

You lean into failure, you keep pushing forward, you don’t give up and you fail over and over again until your failures have made you the strongest person in the room. Then, you will be kicking down doors, instead of being blocked by them.

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