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It is Thursday 12th November 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

Mark, Chapter 11 and verse 22:

“Have faith in God.”

That is what God is requiring of you and I today as we continue with this lockdown, this Coronavirus, which is literally turning the world upside down.

The Lord is looking for faith-walkers like never before.

He is not interested in our efforts.

When we come to the end of our abilities and our strength, that is when we really are forced to have faith in God, when we cannot go any further in our own strength.

I think many of us are in that position right at the moment.

Romans, Chapter 5, verse 3 and 4:

“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

That is why Paul said he rejoices in his hardships.

You see, it is in the hardships that our faith grows, not when everything is going well.

That is when faith kicks in - when we can’t anymore.

It is God’s faith in us, not our faith.

C S Lewis, that great Christian writer said, “We are what we believe we are”.

Now, what is faith? Well, faith is to believe what we cannot see, and the reward of that faith, is to see what we believe.

Embrace God’s faith and nothing will be too much for you.

Like the little boy who is determined to fix it himself, he won’t let his dad help him, but eventually when he can’t anymore, helpless, he stands back and his big, strong, gentle dad takes over and does the job.

1 Peter 5: 7: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

My second eldest son, Fergie, is a cattle man. He has two young boys and he is teaching them how to rope cattle.

They go into the field and when they find a sick animal, they lasso it. They bring it to the ground and they doctor it and then let it go, and the rest of the herd just continue grazing.

And I love to watch them do this. I cannot do this by the way. It is quite an art - but I love to see the oldest boy, Buckies, the red-head, the one you see on television - he says, “Dad, I have got this one”, and he persists in trying to rope this animal and he can’t in the end. Eventually, hot, bothered and full of flies, he stands back and then his dad gallops up and lassos that animal first time and they do it together. He is trusting in his dad and his dad is teaching him how to do it. You and I need to trust in our Heavenly Father.

He will do it for us and furthermore, He will show us how to walk by faith.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you.