Previous Episode: When God Warns Us

The Word of God is our plumb-line.

It stops us from arguing at home.

We go back to the Word.

We say, what does the Bible say? And then it is straight forward.

You know, a man I am mentoring gave me a plumb-line.

Now I didn’t know what a plumb line was because I am not a builder.

It is a metal object.

It looks like a bullet actually, and you hang it from a wire and what the builders do, they put it alongside a wall when they are building a wall in order to keep it straight.

it shows you dead straight.

There is no moving to the left or to the right.

So when you are building a wall, you put the plumb-line - it is that line with a heavy weight at the end - next to the wall, and it makes the wall dead straight.

You and I need to use the Bible as our plumb-line.

It alleviates any arguments in the home between mom and dad and the children, between husband and wife - what does the Word say?

You see, if we look at the Bible in John, Chapter 1, verse 1 it:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

In other words, the Bible is Jesus Christ in print and as that old plumber, Smith Wigglesworth, used to say: God said it. I believe it, and that settles it.

Have a wonderful week as you use your plumb-line for all your instruction.