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Next Episode: It Is Finished

I want to speak to you today about living an abundant life.

You know if we look at the Word of God in John Chapter 10 and verse 10, the Bible tells us, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy.

I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”

The Lord has come to give us abundant life.

Now you might say to me today,” But Angus, there is so much injustice in the world and in the system.”

That is quite right. There is.

The Lord warned us about that.

If we look at Romans Chapter 6 and verse 23, “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

I want you to concentrate today on your own life. Make sure there is no sin in your life.

Ja, but what about what is happening with the politicians and what about what is happening with big business, and what about what is happening in the future?

You can’t do anything about that and neither can I but what you can do is, we can pray for those who are walking that broad road that leads to eternal damnation.

God will not be mocked.

He is the ultimate judge and all we need to make sure of is that our own lives are in order because sin always equals death.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans Chapter 6 and verse 23.

I remember a story I read many years ago:

The founder of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Demos Shekarian, an American Armenian, who started an amazing ministry for businessmen - he said when he first met The Lord, he was a dairy farmer. He bought a big tent and he thought he would be an evangelist but it didn’t work out.

So he got other evangelists to come and speak on his behalf and one day a very eloquent speaker came to the big tent.

They had a large crowd of people and after he had preached he made the call for a collection and the people came forward and they put in lots of money into the plate.

And afterward they sat together and counted out the money and Demos said, “We have to take money aside now for the costs of running this crusade,” and this man said, “No ways, this money belongs to me, all of it!”

And Demos was shocked. Anyway, he let him go and the evangelist took off with all the money.

Two or three years later, he was parked in his pick-up outside the main street in the little town near to his dairy farm and he saw a tramp walking up the road.

And he looked at this man and he thought, “I have seen this man somewhere before.”

And he looked again and sure as anything, there he was, the evangelist walking up the road in rags.

He was totally destitute.

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Today, let us walk righteously.

Let us pray for our enemies and God will take care of the rest.