It is Sunday morning, 15th November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day.

Revelation - the last book in the Bible, Chapter 1 verse 8, Jesus says:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.”

We want to talk about time.

Time never affects The Lord Jesus Christ because He is time. He is the Beginning and the End.

We have that favourite saying we have these days, not only from old people but from young people as well.

“Where has the time gone?”

If we look at the Book of 2 Peter, Chapter 3 and verse 8:

“But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”

Don’t waste time. There is no time to procrastinate.

Procrastinate means to delay or postpone action.

Today set your house in order. Keep short accounts with God and short accounts with people.

Remember, God is never late and He is never early.

He is always on time. He is giving us time and space to change, not wanting that anyone should perish.

He is not coming soon - He is on His way.

I remember a lovely story that my brother told me many years ago.

He was a golf professional and he is now a preacher of the gospel.

He said there were two rookie professionals who went to the USA to try and get on the circuit.

They arrived at this prestigious golf club. They saw a senior golfer hitting golf balls all by himself on the practice tee.

“Hey!” they said, “that’s the golfing legend, Ben Hogan, multiple winner of many grand titles.”

Anyway, they carried on, they went out and they played 18 holes of golf.

They came back and had a shower and then they went and had a nice big breakfast, and as they walked outside they couldn’t believe their eyes, there he was still on the practice tee.

The great champion was still hitting golf balls by himself.

They decided to walk over and introduce themselves and ask if he would maybe like to have a round of golf with them.

The answer was, “Sorry boys. I would love to but I just don’t have any spare time.”

That was why he was a champion.

Don’t waste time today. Make that phonecall. Write that letter. Tell that loved one you love them because Jesus is coming back soon.

God bless you and have a lovely Sunday.