Previous Episode: Rest
Next Episode: The Truth

Are you maybe feeling a bit lonely today?

Are you maybe feeling a bit lost?

Maybe you are saying, “Angus, I don’t know how long this thing is going to go on but I am starting to get a bit desperate and I am starting to lose my way.

Well, if we go to the Gospel of John, Chapter 14 and verses 5 and 6 - remember Thomas, one of the disciples said to Jesus,

“How can we know the way?”

And Jesus said to him, “I am the way,…..”

And I really need to leave you with that thought today.

You know my dear friend when I was preaching in Canada, a few years back, a man came up to me in the airport, and he gave me a gift.

It was a little stone carving that could probably fit into the palm of your hand, of a figurine of a person and I said, “What is this?”

And he said, “Angus, this is what the Eskimos carve out of stone.”

What they used to do when they were going across that wide-open white space, just snow, no landmarks, no people, nothing - not even animals, and they would go for days and days and they would start to get lonely, they would start to lose their way and then right in the middle of nowhere up in that Northern area, full of snow, no landmarks - there would be a little cairn of stones.

And on top of that cairn of stones would be a little carving like this of a person and that would give that poor Eskimo hope because that little emblem would show him that somebody has been this way before.

And his courage would be picked up and he would keep going with his sled and his dogs.

What about you today?

You know as I sit in my prayer room relating the story to you, I am holding in my hand, a small little square cross.

This cross, this is obviously just a copy of it, was found in the catacombs of Rome where the early Christians used to hide from the Romans who were trying to kill them.

It was given to me by a pastor in Australia, maybe thirty years ago, and when I pray in the morning, I take this cross - I grip it in my hand tight.

Sometimes it cuts into the corners of my fingers and it reminds me of what Jesus Christ did for me.

I want to encourage you today, to look up and remember Jesus said, He is The Way!

Nothing will happen to you today without God’s permission.

Use this opportunity of spending time with The Lord and start thinking about the way forward, about the vision God has given to you and what you are going to do in a very short while when this terrible plague passes us by.