Welcome to This is America: Podcaster's Edit. Episode 67 of Thought Cops is here to white privilege you right in the dick. This week we're joined by Ari Grabb, animator extraordinaire. He's worked on such project's as Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos and Adult Swim's new show Hot Streets. Here's a link to his Youtube channel. And here's his website.


We've got two new submissions to the Brouroboros competition, from David of Dreamkeepers, and from @flesh_hollow on Twitter, respectively:

We talk about it on the episode, but we might do some sort of a patch or a sticker for some of these, splitting the revenue with whoever's art wins. We're still figuring it out.

BUT THIS WEEK, we're talking movie snobs, going off the grid and feeling "left behind," "journalists" adding "and that's a good thing" to the end of every headline, the great "Yanni or Laurel" debate, Millenials trying Chick-Fil-A for the first time, and Nicole Arbor's take on Childish Gambino's This is America.


Like always, leave us a voicemail about our bounce house at 312-788-7361, and drop us a five star review on iTunes so we can read it on the show.

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