Welcome to Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by our show's Stenographer, who still hasn't done a single transcript of the show. We're going to drop her pay another 7%. What's 7% of zero?

Speaking of pay, make sure to sign up for our Patreon, at patreon.com/thoughtcops. We're going to do our first bonus episode in the next week or two, and it's only $2. Hurry while supplies last! We've already started doing live streams of the episodes, which we'll be doing every week.

This episode, we're talking about Bitcoin carnivores, the "RANCH!" meme, people watching Netflix while walking on public sidewalks, the Peter Rabbit controversy, and the Obama portraits.

Thanks to everyone who's left reviews on iTunes recently. If you haven't yet, you can do so here. Thanks and gahbless.