Lock and load, because we're back for "season two" of Thought Cops: Episode 101! We're back from our post-100 break, and we're joined this week by Riley from Anti-Social Entertainment and his friend Bird or Longneck or whatever other moniker he decides to go by in the upcoming months.

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Show Notes

This week's show is all about catching up on the last two week's worth of news stories, so we're playing all the hits. We've got the toxic masculinity Gillette ad. We've got the Covington Catholic School boys smirking at Native American veterans. We've got Ben Shapiro defending Baby Hitler. We've got the Venom fuckers versus the Ted Bundy fuckers. We've got Howard Schultz's presidential run. What more could you want from a podcast about pure unadulterated internet outrage? Brought to you for the low, low price of ABSOLUTELY FREE.

If you'd like to though, you can always support our show on Patreon. Click the link below. Thanks for listening!

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