Previous Episode: All Things New
Next Episode: Why Church?

What is the DNA of the church? Is church essential to get into heaven? Why should I go to church today? What is the "why" behind ThornCreek Church? What is the soul of ThornCreek Church? For three weeks, Pastor Ruben will be talking about these questions and more.

We believe the head of the church is Jesus Christ, and if that's true, then the church has a Christ-driven purpose that is bigger than all of us. The church exists to lift up the name of Jesus, but it also should be a place for every race, every person, sinner and saint, and it should be a culture-changing force for God!

These are exciting days for the church and the future is wide open. If you know someone who thinks church is a waste of time, invite them to this series!

Download the study guide for this message here.