She Laughed, Then Asked, "What's a String Letter?"

Hey Everybody!

Welcome to this weeks podcast "She Laughed, Then Asked, "What's a String Letter?"

Trapper Sherwood here with a new and unique way for collecting payments on past due accounts. This podcast is for every business owner who wants to use an overlooked, but effective way to collect on overdue invoices and get paid without having to hire a lawyer.

Here's the skinny...

#1 - Why Have I Received A Letter With A Piece Of String Attached?

Getting attention to your overdue invoice in a friendly, nonconfrontational way is key to getting paid!

This is a gentle, playful way to remind them to pay your overdue invoice.

#2 - A Second Piece Of String?

Letter number two is a stronger approach to having the customer pay your invoice.

Have empathy towards your client.

Offer them solutions.

Still keep it lighthearted.

#3 - Help Me, I'm Running Out Of String!

A firmer way to ask for payment.

Remind them that Collection Agencies can ruin their good credit.

Attorney bills are high.

Still offer them solutions to this situation

So, let's recap what we talked about:
Discover an easy, under the radar way to get overdue clients caught up on overdue and past invoices.

By showing empathy with a little humor draws more bees to honey than by using vinegar.

Your clients have solutions at their disposal instead of their overdue invoices and balances being turned over to attorneys and collection agencies.

The bottom line here is that you can use an overlooked, but effective way to collect on overdue invoices without having to hire a lawyer.

Now, if you're a business owners that seriously wants to really make this work for you, do yourself a favor and book a FREE 15 minute phone call with me. Let's discuss how to get you paid! http://SLConsulting.Solutions

Remember, you can use an overlooked, but effective way to collect on overdue invoices and get paid immediately... without having to hire a lawyer!

I'll even through in the String Letter Templates for FREE after our call