Meet Brittany Krystle. Brittany is a personal branding expert and the  host of the top-rated business & marketing podcast, Beyond  Influential. Brittany shares $100,000+ in Expert Insights around  building of and generating revenue from your personal brand. Watch &  Take Notes. 

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Need Help to Growth Hack Your Business, Visit Sabir on the Web:   
Full article with the video episode here:  

Free Personal Branding resources from Brittany Krystle to  #ThisWeekWithSabir fans:    


00:00 Sabir Welcomes Brittany Krystle

07:02 Your Personal Brand is Your Business

09:17 Why You Need a Personal Brand

11:17 Creating Huge Amounts of Content

14:52 What Goes into a Personal Brand?

17:50 Is Your Content Too Little or Too Much?

25:28 Why Your Social Media Posts Don’t Work

31:19 Do You Need to be On Every Platform?

34:05 The Importance of Pillar Content

45:44 Your Online Presence is your Resume

49:48 How “Brand Equity” Can Help You in Your Career

52:10 The Common Personal Branding Mistakes

55:17 The Importance of the Fundamentals

56:29 Engage, Connect, and Learn

58:14 Get Comfortable Being Yourself

With a decade of experience in personal brand strategy & content  development, Brittany has worked with some of the biggest personal  brands onlin       e to grow their influence, including Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie  Forleo & Tom Bilyeu. She now teaches entrepreneurs how to build an  authentic, influential brand online that allows them to create the  results they want in their life and business while playing by their own  rules.     



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