Meet Chris Williams. Chris and I discussed High Ticket Sales & Mastermind Groups - How do you start them up profitably for your coaching business? How do you market it? How do you scale it? Best advise from the best source - Chris Williams.

About Chris Williams

Chris spends most of his time raising his five kids, exploring world communities, and trying his hand at adventures like shark diving, ice climbing, running ultra-marathons, and riding electric skateboards:) He works with entrepreneurial and business experts, speakers, coaches, and leaders in his spare time, helping them market, monetize, and lead their high-ticket mastermind (or group coaching) programs. As the world continues to shift, many experts are trying to build high-ticket groups for additional income, lead generation, or impact. Chris teaches experts how to generate leads, close high-ticket deals, and create solid and transformational groups. He has his digital agency, leads two masterminds of his own, and has learned many of these lessons the hard way, so sharing his journey and offering strategies is why he is here. Chris doesn't have a car, is an ultra-marathoner, and teaches experts simple methods for building high-ticket masterminds.

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