If you're someone who thinks there are not enough hours in the day, you're not alone! Between marketing your business, servicing your wedding clients, keeping track of your finances, and managing your social media, it's no wonder that entrepreneurs are some of the busiest people on the planet! In this episode of the This Week In Weddings podcast, we're chatting with productivity expert Paul Minors about some ways busy business owners can get ahead with less effort. From managing email to block scheduling, this week's episode is full of ideas for getting more done in less time.

About our guest: 

Paul Minors is a blogger and "virtual consultant," selling his expertise in productivity through 1-on-1 online consulting. He's completely obsessed with productivity, automation, and optimizing his time and income so he can live on his own terms. At the end of 2016, Paul was finally able to quit his job, travel Asia with his wife, and take his consulting business full-time. He now consults with companies to help them with tools like Asana, Pipedrive, MailChimp, and Zapier.

In this episode, listeners will hear about:

Tips for managing your email and getting to inbox zero What block scheduling is and how to use it effectively Software that can be helpful for productivity, including Acuity Scheduling and MailButler. How to minimize distractions by changing your notifications Want to connect with Paul? On the web: https://paulminors.com/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulminors.productivity Twitter: @paulminors

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