When you own a small business, planning for retirement is not always easy. We're often working "in" our businesses and not "on" our businesses and that includes planning for the future. In this week's episode of the This Week In Weddings podcast, we're chatting with a financial advisor about ways that we can save for retirement, plan for the future, and ready our businesses for sale.

About our guest:

Ken Jones has been in the financial services industry since graduating with a degree in Economics from Texas A&M University. He has been serving business owners of small to mid-sized companies as a financial advisor for most of his 30-year career. In his role, he advises on everything from retirement planning to helping business owners sell or buy a business. 

Ken considers his practice just as much financial therapy as money management. 

In this episode, listeners will hear about:

Ken's background and how he got interested in financial planning The different types of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) The importance of setting money aside for retirement and tactical ways to do it consistently Why a financial planner can help you plan for the future What small businesses should be doing in order to make sure their business is prepped to sell Why a transition plan can increase the value for your business in a sale brokercheck.com

Want to connect with Ken?

Phone: 512-422-3893 Email: [email protected]