It sounds so simple and obvious – Work hard and be nice to people. But it's not always as easy as it sounds. If you don't know your "why" or simply not finding your own joy, working hard and being nice to people can be a challenge to do on a daily business. In this week's episode of the This Week In Weddings podcast, we're chatting with wedding photographer Charla Storey, who has some tips on incorporating this mantra into your daily life.

And for full disclosure... there are some slight audio issues in this week's episode. Stick with it, as there are definitely some nuggets of wisdom that make it worth it!

About our guest:

Charla Storey has been a photographer for more than a decade. Traveling the world and experiencing everything it has to give made one thing very clear in her mind, and that is that people are valuable and the moments they live are worth being remembered. She has a profound love for helping people see their value, allowing them to feel beautiful and capable. Both in educating fellow photographers and in photographing her clients, this gift has transformed her as an artist.

Charla believes she has a huge responsibility to do her job excellently because the moments she is entrusted with are legacies that live long past the minutes she is with her clients. This reason is also why she is an educator, because teaching others means empowering them to make a living that not only enriches their life, but leaves lasting legacies for those they have the honor of photographing.

 In this episode, listeners will hear about:

Charla's background as a portrait photographer and how she made the break into weddings How the philosophy of "Work Hard and Be Nice to People" became a mantra for Charla Knowing your why and why it's important The importance of realizing some people just aren't for you Social media, jealously and comparison

Want to connect with Charla?

Website:  Instagram: @charlastorey Charla's Wedding Crashers Podcast