In COVID-19 clinical update #74, Daniel Griffin covers infections in vaccinated individuals, expansion of Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail for prophylaxis, neutralization of variants by antibodies produced by infection or vaccination, longer hospital stays associated with remdesivir treatment, and post-acute sequelae of infection and impact on quality of life 1-6 months after illness.

Hosts: Daniel Griffin and Vincent Racaniello

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Links for this episode Outbreak in Barnstable County, MA (MMWR) Kinetics of delta variant infections (medRxiv) Prophlaxis with Regeneron mAbs (Regeneron) Subcutaneous mAbs to prevent COVID-19 (NEJM) Variant neutralization by infection or vaccine antibodies (Clin Inf Dis) Remdesivir associated with longer hospital stays (JAMA) Post-acute sequelae (Op For Inf Dis) Letters read on TWiV 790 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

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