In COVID-19 clinical update #73, Daniel Griffin reviews updated mask guidance from CDC, infections in public school district employees, effectiveness of vaccines against delta variant, antibody response after third vaccine dose in kidney transplant recipients, protection afforded by mRNA vaccines fully vaccinated people with and without prior infections, correlates of protection in nonhuman primates, lack of effectiveness of doxycycline, neurological manifestations of COVID-19, and infection in vaccinated health care workers.

Hosts: Daniel Griffin and Vincent Racaniello

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Links for this episode Updated mask guidance (CDC) Infections in public school district employees (MMWR) 10% of positive kids need hospitalization (Houston Chronicle) Effectiveness of vaccines vs delta variant (NEJM) Antibody response after third vaccine dose (JAMA) Severe COVID-19 in kidney transplant patients (Kidney Intl) mRNA vaccine protection with or without prior infection (medRxiv) Doxycycline ineffective (Lancet) Neurological manifestations (Lancet) Infections in vaccinated health care workers (NEJM) Letters read on TWiV 787 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!

Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees

Send your questions for Dr. Griffin to [email protected]

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