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Noah Hawley on possible next film: “when a lot of franchises focus on ‘might makes right’, ‘Star Trek’ is about exploration and humanity at its best, and diversity and creative problem solving.”

DSC S3 is done filming.

Wil Wheaton will host the After Trek show that follows each DSC/Picard episode.

Two more unannounced live action Trek series are in the works. We know nothing at all about these.

Voyager 25th anniversary

New Picard trailers

Ten Forward

Chris on Twitter: In “Q Who”, it was briefly discussed that Q and Guinan had some dealings in the past. Do you think that they missed a big opportunity in not following up on that in a future episode?

Star Trek in pop culture

Peter Pan records. 1970s. 3 examples.

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: VOY Episode 5x21, Juggernaut