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Aron Isenberg’s son: Retail WoW server Area 52, this sunday 9/29 at 7-8pm PST. I want to invite ALL of you there to gather in game and honor him with me, the friends HE had in wow, Malissa, and my mom. My dad played horde ONLY for 15 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/d8z22z/im_aron_eisenbergs_son_i_want_to_invite_everyone/

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Which holodeck program would like to experience: Dixon Hill from TNG, Captain Proton from Voyager or Vic Fontaine from DS9?

Star Trek in pop culture:

DirecTV commercial from 2006 with William Shatner

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: Voy S2: Initiations

Subspace communications