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Smithsonian: Enterprise studio model will be off display beginning October 7 when the portion of the hall where it is displayed closes for renovation. It will remain in safe storage and will return in 2024/2025.

DSC won Saturn Award for Best Streaming Science Fiction, Action & Fantasy Series.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: What is the worst death scene you have seen on Trek? For me it is the transporter accident in TMP. I still get the chills today every time I see it.

Star Trek in pop culture:

Video Game Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time. Near the start of the same before ratchet enters the Zoni temple, Qwark (yes Qwark - one of the game’s heros) says something Trek related.

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TNG: Ship in a Bottle

Character insight - William Morgan Sheppard