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Section 31 writer’s room fully engaged.

Section 31 will begin filming after Discovery S3 wraps filming.

Future Trek shows will be filmed in Toronto.

Nickelodeon show (CGI - not cel) is about “a group of lawless teens who discover a derelict Starfleet ship and use it to search for adventure, meaning and salvation.”

4 Short Treks before DSC S3, then 2 more.

One just announced - Pike Enterprise short, “Chaos Theory”

Soundtrack for DSC S2 in July

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: If you are throwing a party and invited every Trek character you can think of, which one do u think would overstay his or her welcome?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Quantum Leap S4. A Leap for Lisa. The person Sam Beckett lept into is accused of violent crimes against a certain person’s wife.

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TNG S1, Angel One

Character insight: Robin Lefler