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Fight for the Future exhibit at @paleycenter in Los Angeles open to the public May 8-July 7. Costumes & props from DSC.

Lower Decks held the first table read May 7 which lets us know that the voice actors are all hired and ready to record their lines. Show will be ready in 2021 or 2022.

New Star Trek Branding group: The goal is to invigorate and broaden the “Star Trek” fan community through additional branding opportunities, such as podcasts, a reinvigorated StarTrek.com and new digital spaces, consumer products and gaming, as well as live events and attractions.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: If money wasn’t an issue, could the special effects used in TOS been better or was it already the best for its time?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Doctor Worf SNL. Terrible skit - not funny, but we bring you the good and the bad. This is the end of it.

Episode insight: TOS S1: Return of the Archons

Character insight - B.C.