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Review spreadsheet



Something about a Picard series set 20 years after Nemesis?

Kelvin universe spawned 8 years after Nemesis, so whatever that means.

The Harry Mudd short will be directed by Rainn Wilson. Written by Rick & Morty writers!??

Jonathan Frakes was directing a DSC episode just this last week.

S2 will explore Spock’s formation & family.

Gold Bubble has a line of Star Trek themed dresses and has just added Wesley Crusher and Terran Empire versions.

Picard desk monitor $2500. Uh no. Backlit graphic, on/off.

Capt. Tilly in Star Trek Online

“What we left behind” DS9 doc to be released this year.

Lots of cast members posting on socmed. Back in my con days - that NEVER happened. Lots from Mary Chieffo, Rekha Sharma.

Special Report about Star Trek - Las Vegas from Aly Martinez (@TTrekkie)

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Who was more popular when TOS was first aired on TV: Kirk or Spock? How about now?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Arrested Development, S4, E5. Someone eats a Star Trek chess set’s worth of butter & is rushed to the hospital.

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TAS - The Practical Joker

Character insight - Majel Barrett

Subspace communications