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Bad tempers / personality conflicts lead to firing showrunners Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts. Akiva Goldsman quit. Alex Kurtzman is lone show runner. They still have 14 producers.

Movie “Please Stand By” is now on Hulu. IMDB: A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in an attempt to submit her manuscript to a "Star Trek" writing competition.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Poster Is Getting A Limited Edition Release trekne.ws/2JAMTF5 pic.twitter.com/Ud0nnPE8Al

Anovos phaser rifle: $1500

Star Trek Poster Books

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: What is your favorite and least favorite thing that came out of TNG? My favorite is the Borg and least favorite is the Holodeck.

Star Trek in pop culture:

I, Tonya (2017). Jeff Galooly and Tanya’s bodyguard just found out Nancy Kerrigan was attacked.

Episode insight: TNG: S3 A Matter of Perspective

Character insight: Danara Pel

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