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Anson Mount is Capt. Pike

New DS9 shirts only at Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ds9+shirts

Robert Duncan McNeill (Lt Paris) and Robert Picardo (the EMH) both back working on The Orville, S2.

Star Trek: Lost Scenes Hardcover – August 21, 2018. Preorder now. $39.95


Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Do u think that Trek 2 saved the Trek movie franchise and sets the bar for all other movies?

Star Trek in pop culture:

From a 2012 NASA video about why it’s hard to go to Mars. https://youtu.be/fturU0u5KJo

Last week in Trek

Episode insight: ENT S3: The Shipment

Character insight - Vice Admiral Nakamura

Subspace communications