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Trek Cruise 2019: 17 actors scheduled including Wilson Cruz and Mary Chieffo. Jan 4-10, 2019. Miami to Jamaica & points in between.

Doug Jones says Mirror Saru was not eaten.

Wave one of DSC phasers are being sent out now. The deadline for ordering any is Jan 31.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Do u think Trek 2 would have been better if David Marcus wasn’t included?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Please Stand By - Out now in theaters, on Amazon & Itunes. Wendy (Dakota Fanning), a young autistic woman and major Star Trek fan, runs away from her caregiver in order to deliver her 500-page Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood.

In this scene, a policeman played by Patton Oswalt, talks her out of hiding IN KLINGON.


Last week in Trek

Episode insight: DS9, S3: Past Tense Part 2

Character insight: Ikat'ika