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Discovery will have a mirror universe episode (directed by Frakes?)

Disc First 4 episode titles:

“The Vulcan Hello”

“Battle at the Binary Stars”

“Context is for Kings”

“The butcher’s knife cares not for the lamb’s cry”

First 2 hours shown tonight at 5pm.

50th anniversary TOS Polar Lights 1/350 model has amazing decals where originals were crappy.

Orville: Better than last week.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Is it unfair to try to apply today's moral standards to a show that was made in the 60's?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel, 2009.


Last week in Trek

Episode insight: DS9, S5: Rapture

Character insight - Admiral Gregory Quinn and Dexter Remmick

Subspace communications