
So much Discovery news.

New Discovery trailer is up.

Still no shot of the DSC bridge :D

USS Europa

Different Klingons?

Klingon Death Scream (from TNG)

Possible TOS-type uniform

Shots of Mudd

“Challenge your preconceptions or they will challenge you” (from ENT - Tucker’s Vulcan teacher)

Blue phasers! :D

Michael’s parents died so Sarek/Amanda adopted her.

“We’re creating a new way to fly”. Better warp drive?

New badges

Composer Jeff Russo. No goofy theme song??

Season 2 coming?…

Doug Jones (Saru) has to walk funny because of the “hooves” his character has.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Over the past 300 episodes, what is the most important thing you learned about Trek from your cohost?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Family Guy - Big Man on Hippocampus. Clip: The family is on Family Feud.


Last week in Trek

Episode insight: TNG: The Inner Light

Character insight - The musical instruments of Star Trek

Subspace communications

Ken P.