Previous Episode: Episode 170, "Treknado"


Darrell is watching To Be Takei on Netflix.

Star Trek Continues Launches Kirkstarter 2.0 To Fund New Episodes

Ten Forward:

What DO those logos mean in the TOS insignias?

Star: Command - like “jason of”

Basketball (or atom / chemical / orbiting objects)

E is for engineering, styled to resemble a bolt

Lights of Zetar - Scotty has a basketball insignia on a red shirt.

Star Trek in pop culture:

Jobs. 2013. Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad. - This is the conversation between Jobs and Woz that named Apple Computer.

(Clip: 00:55)

Episode insight: DS9, S4: The Quickening

Character insight - Miles O'Brien

Subspace communications

Ken P.