
Population with highest % of Trek fans: #1 Oregon, #2 Alaska, #3 Washington.

Population with lowest % of Trek fans: #48 New Jersey, #49 Louisiana, #50 Mississippi.

New movie starts filming in 6 months

Red Shirt Diaries #3

Smithsonian Enterprise being moved

Ten Forward:

Do you care about old Star Trek drama?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Two for the Money (2005) with Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino, Rene Russo

After suffering a career-ending injury, a former college football star aligns himself with one of the most renowned touts in the sports-gambling business.

Somebody picks a football game winner by pure luck, but he says he has Spock-like abilities.

(Clip: 00:12)

Episode insight: ENT: Rogue Planet

Character insight - birthdays

Subspace communications

Ken P.