
Gene Roddenberry Project funded on Kickstarter. About the beginnings of Trek. 30 min 1985 interview cut from a documentary.

William Shatner doing a documentary about the beginnings of TNG.

Plumber David Waddell speaks Klingon & is a write-in candidate for NC US Senate.

TNG Season 7 Blu-ray out in December.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: What were your thoughts of Crosby leaving TNG at the time it happened? How different would TNG be if she stayed?

Star Trek in pop culture:

British National Power commercial. There’s more than what we’re playing, but it’s purely visual. Listen for the beaming sound. Kirk is beamed an umbrella and says “I don’t need a brolly you wally”. Totally British! 1990

Episode insight: TNG S7: Genesis

Character insight - John Harrison / Khan

Subspace communications

Ken P.