Amy Webb and Cory Doctorow Fix All the Problems of Big Tech

The dangers of dystopian thinking
The dangers of utopian thinking
Why we need an Office of Strategic Assessment vs why we need to break up monopolies
Is the problem that the government can't write sensible regulation?
Where should tech policy come from? Technologists? Smart people in government?
Is the problem that the government lacks knowledge? Or that people in general lack knowledge? Or that they refuse to be knowledgeable?
Bashing tech has become cool. Here's why that's dangerous.
Lead in the water in Flint and binge drinking in Britain
What is "The Problem" of Big Tech? Could we write a law to fix it?
Should companies fear lawsuits?
Is there a better way to make people and companies do things than regulation?
Is California Prop 24 a step in the right direction?
is Inrupt a step in the right direction?
Privacy as a luxury good
Five Eyes, Japan, and Australia want to end encryption, but privacy is still important
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
We need more public intellectuals. But there is a danger in being intellectual. And Jewish.

Host: Leo Laporte

Guests: Cory Doctorow and Amy Webb

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