Tik Tok Ban, Tech Titans Talk to Congress, Twitter Hackers Arrested

Trump threatens to ban Tik Tok

Trump wants Microsoft to buy Tik Tok

Mr. Cook, Zuck, Bezos, and Pichai go to Washington

What should the government do to Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple?

Twitter hackers arrested

Our Covid year: CES will be all-virtual in 2021

Huawei is the #1 phone maker in the world

Need a job? The US Digital Service is hiring!

Microsoft will end mobile support for Cortana in 2010

Election Cyber Surge wants to help America vote

Trump is witholding funds from the Internet Freedom Fund

Watch the Samsung Note 20 and Galaxy Z Fold announcement this week with TWiT!

Emmys will be all-virtual this year

Quibi lost 92% of its day one subscribers

Bernie Sanders wants to send you 3 masks

Analogue Pocket comes out tomorrow

Brianna Wu is the 8th best Super Mario 2 speedrunner in the world

Fyre Festival and GSA Auctions

Host: Leo Laporte (https://twit.tv/people/leo-laporte)

Guests: Brianna Wu (https://twitter.com/BriannaWu) , Paris Martineau (https://theoutline.com) , and Matt Cutts (https://www.mattcutts.com/blog/)

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech



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Tik Tok Ban, Tech Titans Talk to Congress, Twitter Hackers Arrested

Trump threatens to ban Tik Tok
Trump wants Microsoft to buy Tik Tok
Mr. Cook, Zuck, Bezos, and Pichai go to Washington
What should the government do to Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple?
Twitter hackers arrested
Our Covid year: CES will be all-virtual in 2021
Huawei is the #1 phone maker in the world
Need a job? The US Digital Service is hiring!
Microsoft will end mobile support for Cortana in 2010
Election Cyber Surge wants to help America vote
Trump is witholding funds from the Internet Freedom Fund
Watch the Samsung Note 20 and Galaxy Z Fold announcement this week with TWiT!
Emmys will be all-virtual this year
Quibi lost 92% of its day one subscribers
Bernie Sanders wants to send you 3 masks
Analogue Pocket comes out tomorrow
Brianna Wu is the 8th best Super Mario 2 speedrunner in the world
Fyre Festival and GSA Auctions

Host: Leo Laporte

Guests: Brianna Wu, Paris Martineau, and Matt Cutts

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech


www.stamps.com - promo code: TWIT

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