SolarWinds, COVID-19, Zoom, Big Tech, Social Media, Elon Musk, 5G, Amazon

SolarWinds, the biggest case of cyber-espionage yet.
COVID-19 and the dramatic effect of it on the tech industry.
How effective has Contact Tracing been?
The brilliance of mRNA for the vaccine.
Will WFH be permanent going forward?
The "real" threat of TikTok.
Facebook's attack on Apple.
The benefactors of COVID-19.
The many times big tech went to Washington.
How Section 230 could change the Internet.
5G and the promises that haven't been fulfilled.
How Intel lost ground to ARM.
The many products released during 2020.
A summary of predictions for 2021.

Host: Leo Laporte

Guests: Jeff Jarvis, Paul Thurrott, and Steve Gibson

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