This Week's Stories

Big Tech is trying to fix California's housing crisis by throwing $billions at it. Here's what they should do instead. How can we fix the mess that is video conferencing? Delivering drugs via drone: what could possibly go wrong? Google open sources Cardboard, instead of just killing it as we expected. The FBI is secretly using face recognition to track us. The ACLU thinks this is bad for some reason. Apple is slowly tightening its privacy system. Saudi spies infiltrate Twitter. Is Big Tech security-conscious enough? FACEBOOK changes its logo. WHY? Facebook and political ads Photoshop for iPad is finally here. Here are the best tools for vertical video. Is Adobe's subscription model fair to consumers? Adobe Aero tries to standardize AR. Microsoft Ignite focuses on the hybrid cloud. Why 5G will never work, and why it will be amazing when it does. 8K will make you vomit. Microsoft puts Superman on glass. AppleTV+ launches big. If you could only have 5 streaming services, which would you choose? Amazon knocks $40 off the price of Prime for veterans. Thank you for your service!

Host: Alex Lindsay

Guests: Greg Ferro and Justine Ezarik

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