It’s said that sometimes it’s the plumber who has the worst home plumbing in town; ditto for the electrician with “temporary” fixes and home wiring done hastily, and in an un-workmanlike manner. Both professionals may not do it right the first time, knowing they can do it right any time. Which never comes. We broadcast engineers can fall into the same trap. We know where the twisted wires are that are holding the transmitter on-the-air, and we’re careful not to bump them as we do other work. Or we have an overflowing trash can at the transmitter site, which subconsciously deters us from cleaning up new trash as there’s nowhere to put it. Or we know just how to wiggle a power supply connector, or a tower light monitor, or other “percussive maintenance” tricks that no one else knows about. Radio’s most beloved conference speaker, Jeff Welton, and his colleague, Jeff Wilson, join us from Nova Scotia, Canada, with a full hour of smart ideas, clever hacks, and common sense about making your engineering life easier, and doing a better job of it.