Episode 24 is creative and strong. This week we…

We’re calling all of our podcast friends to tell them that hosts of small, niche shows are the new influencer. And why that’s amazing for their wallets.

We’re brushing up on our French in order to listen to some badass female podcasters who are using the medium to lead the way to diversity and gender equality in France.

We’re yelping the best improv classes in the area to improve our hosting skills.

And, yes, we’re playing this new podcast for our dogs while we’re at work.

The podcast industry is rapidly growing. Sounder makes it easy for audio creators to stay on top of it all with This Week In Podcasting, where we discuss this week’s most exciting podcasting news and tips, all in under 10 minutes.

 Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix- (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Artist: http://audionautix.com/